MASI Foundation

Established in 1989 by the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada, the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute Foundation (MASIF) is a federally registered charitable organization.

The board of directors is comprised of bishops and lay representatives from Canada and the United States.

Its goal is to manage and develop a principal fund to support the teaching and academic activity of the Sheptytsky Institute.

Funds are raised from individuals, organizations and foundations in North America.

Our donors are caring people, who have a commitment to our Church and its future. For some it is a true sacrifice to give their “Widow’s mite” of a few dollars. Others like Peter and Doris Kule of Edmonton have donated over two million dollars in endowed funds, knowing that their gift will help to fund worthwhile educational programs for future generations.

Our donors also help us by praying for the Institute, its staff and students, by persuading their friends to support the Institute and by encouraging young people to come and study here.

All donors are welcomed into the Sheptytsky Institute family and remembered in our prayers and worship at our Chapel of Saints Joachim and Anne.

Christ Pantocrator Christ Pantocrator


The mission of the Foundation is to raise and manage capital funds in order to provide long-term financial support to the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies.

La Fondation a pour mission de recueillir et d’administrer des fonds capitaux dans le but de fournir un soutien financier à long terme à l'Institut Métropolite Andrey Sheptytsky pour l’étude du christianisme oriental.

Місія фундації пoлягає в тому, щоб збирати та вміло розпоряджатися коштами з метою забезпечення довготривалої фінансової підтримки Інститутові східно-християнських студій імені Митрополита Андрея Шептицького.


The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute Foundation was established in 1989 by the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada.

It’s current endowment is over five million dollars and includes two endowed chairs: the Kule Family Chair in Eastern Christian Liturgy and the Peter and Doris Kule Chair of Eastern Christian Theology and Spirituality.

Current Board of Directors

The board of directors of the Foundation work as members and as an executive to develop the Foundation and support the Institute.

  • Pascal Bastien

    Dr. Pascal Bastien

    Toronto, ON

    Immediate Past President

  • Catherine Pawluch

    Toronto, ON

    President and Chair

  • Luke Laschuk Miller

    Toronto, ON


  • Paul Kennedy

    Toronto, ON


  • Roman Zyla

    Toronto, ON


  • Andriy Chirovsky

    Father Andriy Chirovsky

    Tucson, AZ


  • Bryan Bayda

    Most Rev. Bryan Bayda

    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

    Liaison of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada

  • Michael Levy

    Lakewood, OH

  • Andrew Hladyshevsky

    Andrew Hladyshevsky

    Edmonton, AB

  • Taras Pidzamecky

    Toronto, ON

  • Dr. William Turk

    Winnipeg, MB

  • Rev. Dr. Peter Galadza

    Fr. Peter Galadza

    Ottawa, ON

Foundation Contact

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute Foundation (MASIF)

University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto
81 St. Mary Street
Toronto, ON M5S 1J4